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Writer's pictureCarolina Pataky

Does Couples Therapy Work? Benefits and Things to Consider in Couples Counseling

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

A bickering couple sitting frustrated on a couch needs couples therapy

Are you considering couples therapy but feel unsure of what to expect? Are you intrigued by the idea but question, "Does couples therapy really work?" If so, this comprehensive guide is for you. Here, we'll demystify the process and potential benefits of couples therapy and couples counseling. Read on to learn how counseling work can strengthen your relationship and whether you and your partner might need marriage counseling.

1. Does Couples Therapy Work?

Couples therapy or couples counseling, often delivered by a specialized couples therapist, is a type of psychotherapy that helps couples identify, address, and potentially resolve their relationship issues. Therapists use various therapeutic interventions to assist couples, whether married or unmarried, to improve their relationship. Unlike individual therapy, couples therapy focuses on the relationship itself, although each individual's mental health is also a crucial part of the equation.

According to American Psychological Association, couples therapy can be beneficial for dealing with a variety of relationship issues, from communication problems to infidelity. The therapy process involves the couple and the therapist meeting in counseling sessions where they discuss and analyze specific issues. Couples therapy isn't just for people considering a breakup. It's a tool that any couple can use to strengthen their relationship, improve communication skills, and better understand each other. Even couples in a generally healthy relationship might seek therapy to deepen their connection or to navigate significant life changes together.

2. Indicators That You Might Need Couples Therapy

Recognizing when you might need marriage counseling or couples therapy can sometimes be tricky. Certain issues, such as severe conflict or dissatisfaction, make the need more apparent. However, some subtler signs could indicate that therapy may be helpful. These might include:

  • Persistent or escalated conflict that doesn't seem to resolve

  • Communication breakdown or negative communication patterns

  • Deep feelings of dissatisfaction, resentment, or disconnection

  • Significant changes or stressors affecting the relationship (e.g., a job loss, a new baby, or a move)

  • A decline in physical intimacy or sexual dissatisfaction

Remember, seeking help from a marriage counselor or a couples therapist doesn't signify a failed relationship but rather your commitment to working on and improving your relationship.

3. The Effectiveness of Online Couples Therapy

The advent of online therapy has made it easier for couples to access professional help. While the experience is a bit different from traditional face-to-face sessions, research indicates that online couples therapy can be just as effective. A study found that couples participating in online therapy experienced improvements in their relationship satisfaction, proving that the medium doesn't compromise the effectiveness of therapy.

4. Common Misconceptions about Couples Therapy

Despite its increasing popularity, some misconceptions about couples therapy remain prevalent. Many people wonder, "Does couples therapy really work?" or "Is therapy the last resort for failing marriages?" It's essential to debunk these myths:

  • Couples therapy only works for marriages on the brink of divorce. This idea is misleading. Many couples engage in therapy as a preventative measure or to strengthen their relationship, not necessarily because their relationship is in crisis.

  • Couples therapy is only for married couples. Unmarried couples, whether living together or dating, can also benefit significantly from couples counseling.

  • Going to couples therapy means your relationship is flawed or failing. Every relationship has room for growth and improvement, and seeking therapy indicates proactive engagement in enhancing your relationship's health.

5. When is it Time to Seek Couples Therapy?

Often, couples wait until their problems become unbearable before seeking help. However, therapy can be beneficial even in the early stages of relationship dissatisfaction. Here are a few signs it might be time to seek couples therapy:

  • Persistent conflict that doesn't get resolved

  • Lack of communication or negative communication patterns

  • Feeling distant or disconnected from your partner

  • Difficulty trusting each other

  • Differences in sexual desire or other major life goals

Remember, it's never too early or too late to seek help. If you're unsure, a consultation with a professional can provide clarity.

6. Qualities of a Good Couples Therapist

Choosing a therapist is a personal decision that will depend on several factors, including your specific needs, goals, and comfort level. Here are a few qualities that good couples therapists often have:

Professional Qualifications and Experience in Couples and Family Therapy

Couples therapists should possess a strong foundation in professional qualifications and hands-on experience in the field. They should be well-versed in diverse therapeutic models and have practical wisdom derived from working with a variety of couple dynamics and issues.

A Non-judgmental, Empathetic, and Objective Stance

Good therapists don't judge or take sides. They're empathetic, understanding, and validating your emotional experiences. Objectivity is also key, as they must remain neutral and keep their personal biases outside the therapy room.

Strong Listening and Communication Skills

Effective therapists listen closely to both verbal and non-verbal cues and articulate complex ideas in a clear, understandable manner. They guide couples in developing healthier communication habits.

The Ability to Create a Safe, Comfortable Space for Open Dialogue

A quality therapist ensures the therapy room is a sanctuary for open, balanced, and respectful communication, where each partner feels heard and valued.

A Commitment to Confidentiality and Professional Ethics

Respecting your privacy and upholding professional ethics is a fundamental trait of a competent couples therapist. They should be clear about their confidentiality policies and respect your autonomy throughout the therapy process.

7. Understanding the Role of a Couples Therapist

While the benefits of couples therapy are clear, it's equally important to understand the role of the therapist.

Facilitator of Communication

The therapist provides a safe and supportive environment where each partner can openly express their thoughts and feelings. The therapist can also help you articulate your feelings and needs in a manner that your partner can understand, fostering empathy and mutual understanding.

Mediator and Conflict Navigator

In situations where disagreements occur, the therapist acts as a mediator, ensuring that both partners have a chance to express their viewpoints. They guide the conversation, encouraging constructive dialogue and steering clear of harmful communication patterns.


Therapists can provide valuable insights about relationship dynamics, communication styles, and coping mechanisms. They can also suggest helpful strategies and techniques that couples can use to manage conflicts, improve understanding, and deepen their bond.


While a therapist's role is not to take sides, they provide emotional support to both partners. They validate each partner's feelings, helping them feel heard and understood.

Therapist making notes

8. Understanding Different Therapeutic Approaches

Understanding the different therapeutic approaches used in couples therapy can be beneficial. While many therapists integrate methods from various approaches depending on the unique needs of the couple, it can be helpful to understand some of the most common ones.

Psychodynamic Therapy for Couples

This approach explores how your individual pasts and unconscious minds influence your relationship dynamics. It allows couples to uncover deep-seated patterns and make more conscious choices about how they interact.

Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT)

This therapy type focuses on the present and aims to change harmful patterns of behavior within the relationship. The goal of BCT is to increase understanding, respect, and affection between partners and to enhance communication and problem-solving skills.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

EFT helps couples recognize and reorganize their emotional responses to improve their emotional bond. By understanding the emotions behind each partner's reactions, couples can break negative cycles and form healthier, more secure attachments.

Gottman Method

Based on 40 years of research by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this method aims to improve verbal communication, increase intimacy, create shared meaning, and manage conflicts effectively.

Imago Relationship Therapy

This approach suggests that we unconsciously choose partners who reflect unresolved issues from our childhood. Imago therapy helps couples understand these issues, communicate them effectively, and foster growth both individually and as a couple.

9. Expectations in a Couples Therapy Session

Many couples wonder, "What happens in a couples therapy session?" While each couple's therapy experience may differ, some universal elements usually occur. A typical session involves both partners sharing their perspectives about an issue. The therapist may then explore the couple's interaction patterns, communication styles, and individual backgrounds. Through this process, the couples therapist helps partners understand the roots of their issues and learn better strategies for interaction.

10. Preparing for Your First Couples Therapy Session

Stepping into couples therapy can be intimidating, particularly for first-timers. Preparing for your first session can help alleviate some of the initial nervousness.

Understand the Process

Before the first session, familiarize yourself with what couples therapy entails. Understanding the process can help you manage your expectations.

Set Goals:

Reflect on what you hope to achieve from therapy. Clear goals can guide the therapeutic process and help you assess progress over time.

Openness and Honesty

Transparency is crucial in therapy. Be prepared to be open and honest about your feelings, experiences, and expectations. This is not alway

Be Prepared for Self-Reflection

Couples therapy isn't just about what your partner needs to change. Be prepared to reflect on your own actions and how they impact the relationship.

Have Patience

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient with yourself, your partner, and the process.

11. The Limitations and Challenges of Couples Therapy

While couples therapy can be highly beneficial, it's essential to recognize that it's not a magic fix. Some of the limitations and challenges might include:

  • Unresolved Issues: Some issues might not be completely resolved, even with therapy. It's essential to manage expectations and understand that progress often involves making conflict more manageable rather than eliminating it entirely.

  • Unequal Engagement: Sometimes, one partner is more invested in therapy than the other, which can make progress challenging. A skilled therapist can help navigate this imbalance and encourage participation from both partners.

  • Time and Financial Commitments: Regular therapy sessions require both time and money, which could be a constraint for some couples.

12: The Cost of Couples Therapy: A Long-term Investment

Discussing the cost of therapy is crucial, as financial factors can often act as deterrents for many couples considering seeking professional help. However, it's essential to recognize that couples therapy is an investment in your relationship and emotional well-being, which can offer invaluable returns in the long run.

When considering the cost of therapy, it's important to understand that fees can vary significantly depending on several factors. These include the therapist's qualifications and experience, the therapy format (in-person vs. online), location, and the length and frequency of sessions. Generally, session rates can range from $100 to several hundred dollars per session.

While these costs might seem steep initially, it's important to reframe how we think about them. Consider the potential cost of not seeking therapy — the emotional distress, the strain on your relationship, or the impacts on your health and productivity. When viewed from this perspective, the price of therapy often pales in comparison to the benefits gained.

Moreover, many therapists and clinics offer a sliding scale fee system, based on the client's ability to pay. Some insurance plans also cover a portion of therapy costs. It's worth exploring these options to alleviate some of the financial burdens.

Investing in therapy is, in essence, investing in better communication, healthier interactions, increased understanding, and overall improved relationship satisfaction. As per a study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, couples therapy can result in significant improvements in relationship satisfaction, demonstrating the value of this investment.

The decision to engage in couples therapy signifies a commitment to nurturing and strengthening your relationship. The benefits of this commitment can ripple into all areas of your life, improving not just your relationship, but also your personal happiness and well-being.

Therefore, while considering the cost of couples therapy, it's crucial to understand that it's more than a price tag - it's a proactive investment in the future of your relationship and personal development.

13. Post-Therapy: Maintaining Relationship Health

The journey doesn't end when therapy sessions stop. Maintaining a healthy relationship is an ongoing process. Here are some ways to maintain the progress you've made in therapy:

  • Continuous Communication: Keep the lines of communication open. Discuss your feelings, expectations, and concerns openly and honestly.

  • Apply Learned Skills: Continue to use the strategies and skills you've learned in therapy. Practice makes perfect!

  • Check-ins and Tune-ups: Consider periodic "tune-up" sessions with your therapist to reinforce what you've learned and address new challenges as they arise.

14. Exploring Alternative Support Options

If couples therapy isn't accessible or appealing to you, several alternative support options exist:

  • Self-help Books: Many reputable relationship and communication self-help books provide valuable insights. Some of these are written by leading therapists in the field.

  • Workshops and Seminars: Many organizations offer workshops and seminars on relationship health and communication skills.

  • Online Platforms: Numerous websites and apps offer relationship advice, self-paced courses, and even digital couples therapy options.

  • Support Groups: Joining a support group, either in person or online, can provide a sense of community and shared experiences.

15. Self-Care in Relationship Healing

While couples therapy focuses on improving the relationship, self-care shouldn't be neglected. A healthy relationship requires healthy individuals.

Emotional Self-Care

Understand and honor your emotional needs. Regularly engage in activities that bring you joy, peace, and relaxation. Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions without judgment.

Physical Self-Care

Healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can have a significant impact on your mood and energy levels. Make sure to incorporate these into your routine.

Mental Self-Care

Engage in activities that stimulate your mind. Read, learn something new, or indulge in a hobby. Regular mental stimulation can help manage stress and foster a sense of wellbeing.

Social Self-Care

Maintain your social connections. Spend time with friends, engage in social activities that you enjoy. A strong support system can provide a sense of belonging and understanding.

16. The Impact of Individual Therapy on Couples Therapy

Individual therapy can be a valuable adjunct to couples therapy. While couples therapy focuses on the relationship, individual therapy provides a space to explore personal issues that might impact the relationship.

Individual therapy can help you better understand yourself, your needs, your desires, and your patterns of behavior. This understanding can help you engage more constructively in couples therapy.

It's important, however, to understand that individual and couples therapy serve different purposes and should complement rather than replace each other.

17. The Impact of External Factors on Couples Therapy

It's important to note that a couple's relationship does not exist in isolation. Various external factors can impact the dynamics within the relationship, and these may surface during couples therapy.

Work and Career

Balancing work and personal life can be challenging. Stress from work can seep into the relationship, causing tension and conflict.

Health Issues

Health issues, whether mental or physical, can put significant strain on a relationship. Understanding and addressing these health-related stressors can be an important part of therapy.

Family Dynamics

The relationship each partner has with their family, as well as the dynamics of their own family unit, can impact the couple's relationship.

18. The Value of Homework in Couples Therapy

Therapists often assign "homework" or tasks for couples to complete outside of therapy sessions. This homework can range from communication exercises to individual reflections to joint activities. The goal of these assignments is to encourage couples to practice the skills they learn in therapy and promote change outside the therapy room.

To get the most out of couples therapy, it's essential to engage fully with these assignments. Remember, progress requires practice and effort, both in and out of the therapy room.

Homework from therapy

19. The Role of Trust in Couples Therapy

Trust is a fundamental element in any relationship, and it's no different in the therapeutic relationship. When exploring the dynamics of couples therapy, it's essential to discuss the significance of trust.

The Importance of Trust

Trust between couples is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. In couples therapy, trust extends beyond the couple and encompasses the therapist. Each party must feel secure enough to be vulnerable and honest, which can lead to breakthroughs and growth.

Rebuilding Trust

In many instances, couples seek therapy because trust has been damaged or broken. A vital part of therapy will focus on understanding how trust was broken and developing ways to rebuild it.

Trust in the Therapist

For couples therapy to be effective, both partners need to trust the therapist. This means believing in the therapist's expertise, objectivity, and commitment to confidentiality.

20. The Effect of Long-Term Couples Therapy

For some couples, long-term therapy may be necessary to delve into deep-rooted issues, alter longstanding patterns, and foster genuine growth. This decision is highly personal and dependent on a couple's unique situation. According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, couples therapy has a high success rate, with up to 98% of clients reporting significant improvements. While some couples may find resolution in a few sessions, others may require long-term therapy. It's crucial to understand the impact and effectiveness of long-term couples therapy.

Deep-seated Issues

Long-term therapy can provide the time and space needed to address deep-seated issues that may have been affecting the relationship for years.

Patterns of Interaction

Long-term therapy allows for the identification and modification of longstanding patterns of interaction that have become unproductive or harmful.

Growth and Adaptation

Long-term therapy can facilitate growth and adaptation over time, as couples navigate different life stages and challenges together.

Summary and Essential Takeaways

Relationships can be both rewarding and challenging. The complexities of interacting with another person intimately, managing differences, and navigating life's ups and downs together can sometimes lead to stress, conflict, and dissatisfaction. This is where couples therapy comes into play. Through this comprehensive guide, we've delved into the various aspects of couples therapy, aiming to demystify the process and highlight its potential benefits.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Proactive Approach: Couples therapy isn't solely for those experiencing relationship crises. It's a proactive measure for maintaining healthy communication, improving emotional intimacy, and resolving conflicts effectively.

  • The Therapist's Role: The couples therapist acts as a guide, helping partners navigate through their issues by encouraging open communication, fostering understanding, and teaching conflict resolution strategies.

  • Identifying Signs: Being aware of signs indicating the need for therapy, such as frequent arguments, repeating issues, financial disagreements, problems in the bedroom, and infidelity, is crucial.

  • The Process: Understand that therapy is a process which requires time and commitment. The length of therapy will depend on the couple's unique needs and issues.

  • Trust Factor: Trust is a fundamental element in couples therapy. The process often involves rebuilding trust between partners and also establishing trust in the therapist's objectivity and expertise.

  • External Influences: External factors like work stress, health issues, and family dynamics can significantly impact a relationship, and these are often addressed in therapy.

  • First Session Prep: For the first session, it's important to understand the therapy process, be ready for openness and honesty, and prepare for self-reflection.

  • Long-term Therapy: For some couples, long-term therapy can provide the time and space needed to address deep-seated issues, alter longstanding patterns of interaction, and facilitate growth and adaptation.


In conclusion, couples sessions can be an incredibly beneficial tool, whether you're looking to address specific issues or simply strengthen your relationship. It's an opportunity to improve communication, understand each other better, resolve conflicts, and enhance emotional intimacy.

Our team at Love Discovery is here to support your journey towards a healthier, happier relationship. Remember, reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Let's walk together towards a fulfilling relationship. Get in touch with us today at 305-605-5683. You may also book an appointment directly on our site. Embrace the healing and transformative power of therapy; it might just be the best thing you could do for your relationship.



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