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Writer's pictureCarolina Pataky

How to Make Connections With Others: Establishing Conscious Dating Relationships

Updated: May 5, 2023

Man hugging and kissing a woman who he is dating after sex and therapy

Our understanding of relationships has evolved over the years. People want to connect in meaningful, conscious ways and rigid expectations have changed. It can be daunting to get back into the dating scene and find meaningful relationships. But, there is expert advice to help those who are searching for genuine connections and want to find that spark. This guide will help you understand the in’s and out’s of establishing a conscious dating relationship.

What is a conscious relationship?

The keywords here are intention and self-acceptance. Conscious relationships come from a place of intention, acceptance, and love. They require self-love which enables the capacity for growth and ultimately allows for healthy connections with others.

Conscious relationships are all about creating a space and structure for how you want to be loved. This involves:

  • Setting boundaries

  • Defining non-negotiables

  • Self-acceptance and self-love

  • Establishing the scope of the relationship and how you want it to feel

Therapy and/or relationship coaching can help you when you find it hard to make decisions and take purposeful actions regarding the relationships in your life. To have conscious relationships, you must start with defining your personal needs and make the commitment to understand and love yourself first. That way you can clearly define your expectations and goals for a relationship.

Important qualities of a conscious relationship

Conscious relationships require a commitment to understanding and respecting ourselves and our significant others. You want to feel loved, respected, nurtured, and valued and so does your partner. If we cannot first love, respect, nurture, and value ourselves, we cannot share these qualities within conscious relationships with others.

Here are some important qualities of conscious relationships that establish genuine, meaningful connections:

1. Own your insecurities

It’s ok to recognize your insecurities, shortcomings, and limitations. It actually helps you to have a healthy and loving view of yourself once you accept them. Become aware of how you can improve yourself, note habits that you can’t seem to break, triggers, trauma, and communication skills that need improvement. Paying attention to these fundamental aspects and putting in the effort to deal with them head-on can enable self-awareness and healing to allow for conscious connections and more fulfilling relationships.

2. Define your desires

Define what you truly want from life and a relationship. By outlining your deepest desires, you set a path and framework for your expectations so that you don’t settle. Many people tend to lose themselves in relationships by failing to validate and prioritize their own feelings, wants, and needs. Take the time to ask yourself what it is you truly want and take ownership of it. By doing this, you can collaborate with your partner in a healthy way where each individual has the space to be who they are and go after what they want.

3. Challenge yourself and embrace growth

Conscious connections require a commitment to growth and openness. This allows you to face new challenges within yourself and with your partner. You must be willing to adapt and be vulnerable for your relationships to thrive. A healthy relationship helps both parties become more empathetic, passionate, and courageous individuals. Conflict happens but it’s working through each challenge together that brings you closer.

4. Maintain a conscious presence

The concept of remaining present and conscious connections go hand-in-hand. In today’s world, presence has become more and more of a struggle with new technologies and distractions at every turn. Presence takes conscious effort between you and the person you are dating. Practicing a consistent, dedicated, active presence with your partner provides the value and respect that humans crave in meaningful connections. Make it a habit to share time and stay engaged in your interactions with those you care about.

5. Value independence

Contrary to what many fairy tales and romantic comedies may say about two souls coming together as one, maintaining and valuing independence in a relationship is extremely important. Each person has their own interests, work, and activities that they are drawn to. This is the basis and beauty of individuality. You and your partner will both bring unique and special qualities and interests to a relationship. If this individuality is undermined, it can cause tension. A balance needs to be established between intimacy and independence to maintain a conscious partnership that works.

These top five qualities are vital to building conscious relationships and maintaining valuable connections. It’s important to seek connections that help us grow, improve, and fulfill our highest potential. If we don’t strive to build conscious relationships that bring out the best in us, we won’t be fully open to experiencing the highest potential for a fulfilling dating and sex life.

How therapy can help?

Therapy is an essential tool for those who want to learn more about how to effectively establish conscious relationships. People struggle with dating for many different reasons. Seeking advice and guidance regarding sex, romantic relationships, and making genuine connections with others can be monumental for your personal growth and the cultivation of fulfilling relationships.

Some of the benefits of seeking therapy and/or relationship coaching include:

  • Establishing deeper connections and conscious relationships

  • Addressing relationship insecurities in a safe environment

  • Enabling comfort in vulnerability

  • Access to tools and guidance for successful dating

  • Opportunity to grow as a person

  • Learning how to foster true, meaningful relationships

Connecting with a licensed relationship coach to guide you in establishing meaningful connections can make all the difference in the world. Sometimes creating conscious connections requires making a conscious effort to overcome the internal challenges you face. Therapy can help you grow internally and give you a fresh, healthy perspective.

Find out more

Our relationship coaches and licensed counselors can help you find the conscious connections you are looking for. To find out more about dating, sex, and therapy through our individualized approach, schedule an appointment today for more info.


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